When we drive, we are responsible for the safety of our passengers as well as other drivers on the road. This responsibility can come with certain liabilities, such as accidents that could happen due to negligence or fault of another driver. It’s important to know what auto liability coverage does and doesn’t cover to protect yourself against these types of accidents and liabilities.
What Is Auto Liability?
Automobile liability insurance protects you if you are sued for property damage or personal injury sustained in an accident while driving a vehicle. However, this only applies if you are not at fault for the accident, meaning the accident would have happened even if you had not been driving the vehicle.
Third-party car insurance kicks in when you are held responsible for the damage to another person’s car. For example, if you borrow another person’s car and cause an accident, you are responsible for the damage to their vehicle. Other types of property damage are not covered, such as accidents involving people or bicycles.
If this is the case and there is no automobile liability insurance, the owner of the vehicle at the time of the accident is responsible for any damages incurred by either party in a lawsuit, including fines, repair costs, and other expenses.
In addition, automobile liability does not protect you from some types of claims, such as injuries sustained in a vehicle that you did not own and that was not involved in an accident while you were driving. If this is the case and you do not have automobile liability insurance, the motorist who caused the injury will file a lawsuit against you.
What Doesn’t It Cover?
Car insurance is often thought of as something that protects us financially in the event of an accident. However, at its core, liability coverage is designed to protect other drivers from you. Here are some examples of what most auto liability insurance policies do not cover.
Damage To Your Own Car
It’s not common for liability coverage to help you pay to repair your own car after damage has been sustained in an accident. It’s best to get collision coverage for this, or a comprehensive car insurance policy to protect against damage caused by other factors, such as hail, storms, and falling objects.
Injury-Related Costs
If you’ve caused an accident, liability coverage will not pay for your medical costs for any injuries. Again, you’d want a more comprehensive policy to cover this. Speak to an insurance agent to find out which insurance plan is best for you.
Different Insurance Plans
Many forms of car insurance can help you protect yourself, your passengers, and your vehicle in the event of a car accident.
Typical car insurance policies include the following:
- Automobile Liability Insurance.
- Fully comprehensive insurance.
- Collision coverage.
- Cover for medical expenses.
- Cover against personal injury.
Depending on the state you live in, some of these policies are mandatory while others are optional. Knowing what your state requires and what each kind of coverage can assist you with is important when selecting the most suitable insurance for your circumstance.
You must be aware of automobile liability insurance in the event of an accident while driving. That’s why it’s important to talk to a local agent about the best car liability insurance for your situation. A reputable agent will be able to offer you a policy that will cover you in the event of an accident.
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